星期三, 1月 21, 2009

MD Database in the United States

Here's what we're offering for this week:

Currently in Practice: MDs in the USA

788,943 in total * 17,742 emails

Featuring the most complete contact information in many different areas of medicine

Over a dozen sortable fields

Contact List of American Pharma Companies
47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

Hospital Facilities in the United States
more than 23k hospital administrators in over 7k hospitals [worth over $300 alone)

Directory of US Dentists
597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $350 value!)

US Chiropractor Contact List
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

Now priced at:
$394 for all 5 datasets

send and email to: Foreman@listamaze.com

valid thru January 23

to get off please email discontinue@listamaze.com